Simple and user friendly

Our system is not only efficient but also has high success rate of 99.7 percent



Solssa Rental management system offers real time updates of payments and state of  units either occupied or Vacant

Frequently asked questions

1What is RentalMS
Rental Management system is a property management system for landlords and property managers in Kenya. Rental Management System helps landlords and property managers save time and money by leveraging technology.
2Does the system have any downtimes?
The system has no downtimes. We have backups for every part of our system so that there will be no interruption in service.
3Do I have to pay for any upgrades done in the system?
You do not have to pay for any upgrades made to the system. We continuously improve the software at no cost to you.
4Is my data safe?
Your data is safe. All data transmitted is SSL encrypted and all data is password protected so that only you and your authorized users have access to your data. We also hold backups on your data so that you never loose your data.
5Can I export my data?
Yes you can export the data such as invoices, payments and tenant records from our system into a spreadsheet.
6Can I communicate with tenants through the system?
Yes you can communicate with tenants through the system to send announcements or send invoices and receipts.

Connecting Tenants, Landlords, and Agencies for Harmonious Property Management

Level 13, 2 Elizabeth St,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia